
COVID19 Sentiment Analysis

Microsoft Tech Community Project

Early in COVID19 lockdown (2020), Fabian Williams asked me to assist on a COVID19 sentiment analysis for a Microsoft Technical Community Project. I said yes almost immediately. What you see before you now might look easy and pretty, but it took many long evenings and weekends to go from a rough POC (Proof of Concept) to what you see today. We had many debates on the actual survey questions, and how to design a thoughtful survey while still making it as pain-free as possible for people taking it. We had to take into consideration and make hard choices to avoid spending excessive amounts of our own money on it (because if scaled up, we would definitely change some things for the better). There were many steps from that survey to the finished COVID19 Sentiment Analysis Power BI report below. We used number of Microsoft technologies from start to finish in this project including Azure Functions, NoSQL database with CosmosDB, and Microsoft Cognitive Services’ Text Analytics API provided sentiment analysis of the survey responses.

NB: We have not maintained this community project so you’ll likely see gaps in visualized data. Apologies in advance.

Fabian and I put together a series of videos to quickly walk you through our process on his blog:

Michael Gannotti, Principle Technology Specialist with Microsoft, interviewed Fabian and me for his Social Sessions with Michael Gannotti series on the Microsoft Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog. The 40 minute interview covers our COIVD19 Sentiment Analysis project, the real people behind the tech, and some funny stories! Click here!

The images below will link you to our Power BI report and survey, or take the survey!

Interactive Microsoft Power BI report on COVID19 Sentiments

Interactive Microsoft Power BI report on COVID19 Sentiments

COVID-19 Survey Form

COVID-19 Survey Form

Screenshot of our survey that provides the necessary information for Microsoft Cognitive Services’ Text Analytics API + Sentiment Analysis for our COVID19 Sentiment Analysis Power BI Report (color scheme inspired by Pixar’s Inside Out).

Nintex Process ProMapp for Project Steps

Nintex Process ProMapp for Project Steps

We have created this Nintex Process ProMapp which gives you a visual of the various systems and roles employed from COVID19 survey to COVID19 Sentiment Analysis Power BI report.